Terms of use

Welcome to the website of Speedy Glass®, a division of Belron Canada Incorporated, headquartered at 8288 Pie-IX Boulevard, Montreal (Quebec) H1Z 3T6 (“Speedy Glass®”).

This website is hosted in the ABRIZO cloud by Vortex Solution, 40 Jean Talon E., Montreal, Qc, H2R 1S3.

This website can be found at speedyglass.ca or any alternative address (hereafter, the “website”). The publisher of the website is Speedy Glass®.

You will find below the terms and conditions of use for this website (I) and the general conditions of sale and repair (II) that apply to the repair or replacement of vehicle windows by Speedy Glass® in its service centres.


This section explains the terms and conditions of use (the "terms") under which any individual ("you") may use this website. Please read these terms carefully.

1. Acceptance of terms and conditions of use

If you decide to visit this website for any reason, these terms shall automatically apply to your use of the website. You therefore agree to consult them before using the website. If you use the Speedy Glass® call-back service (the "Appointment Service"), Speedy Glass® will ask you to explicitly agree to these terms by checking a box to this effect.
If you do not wish to be bound by these terms, please do not visit this website.

If you use all or part of this website, you are considered to have read and accepted these terms.

2. Description of this website – Request for appointment

This website provides information about the methods Speedy Glass® uses to repair and replace the glass in your vehicle and, in general, about the services offered by Speedy Glass®. You can browse this website to find information on the repair or replacement of your windshield, side windows or rear windshield without necessarily making an appointment with Speedy Glass® for repair or replacement.

This website also offers an Appointment Service so that you can make an appointment if you decide to have your auto glass repaired or replaced by Speedy Glass®. If you can provide some details on the extent of the breakage (impact, crack, etc.) and its exact location, Speedy Glass® can help you determine whether you can have the glass repaired or whether it needs to be replaced. You can request an appointment based on your ability to get to a Speedy Glass® centre and the available time slots. Please allow at least 24 hours between the time you request an appointment and the time Speedy Glass® can repair or replace your glass. We make every effort to configure this website so it can tell you where and when we can take care of your vehicle.

If you are not sure whether your auto glass needs to be repaired or replaced, you can ask a Speedy Glass® advisor to call you back at a number you provide. One of our customer service representatives can help you determine what needs to be done to repair the damage.

The information transmitted at this point by Speedy Glass®, either on this website or by one of our customer service representatives, is based on the answers you provide to certain questions. This information may not be entirely accurate, and you should understand that it is provided as general information only and has no contractual value.

Only the work order for repairs written up by a Speedy Glass® technician after examining the vehicle and before undertaking the work is binding on Speedy Glass®.

This website only allows you to request an appointment with a Speedy Glass® technician to repair or replace your auto glass. The information on this website can in no way be considered to be instructions that would allow you to repair or replace your auto glass by yourself. The general terms and conditions for repairs which appear below are for general information purposes only and are not intended to govern your use of this website. They do apply, however, to all repairs and replacements done by Speedy Glass® in its service centres.

3. Confirmation of your request for an appointment with Speedy Glass®

Your request for an appointment must be confirmed in advance by Speedy Glass® before a definite appointment is set.

After you provide the information requested on this website, one of our customer service representatives will contact you to obtain additional information, if necessary, to confirm the information you provided about your vehicle and the broken auto glass, and to confirm whether Speedy Glass® can repair or replace your auto glass at the scheduled time you requested from your selected Speedy Glass® centre.

Speedy Glass® will do its best to call you back within the time you indicate or, at the latest, one hour after you submit your request. This projected call-back time is provided for general information purposes only, and Speedy Glass® is not bound in this regard.

4. Estimate

When our customer service representative calls you back or when you use our online estimate platform, you will be given a free detailed estimate of the work to be done on your vehicle, on the condition that you provide all the necessary information to establish the estimate. Speedy Glass® will not be bound by this estimate in the event of an error or omission concerning the features or condition of the vehicle.

5. Insurance

If your insurance policy includes coverage for broken auto glass, the work done by Speedy Glass® will usually be covered by your insurance. You will only have to pay the deductible, if any, indicated in your policy, plus any related fees (such as travel costs, night, Sunday or holiday service) or cost of accessories (wipers, bulb covers, headlights, etc.) that are not covered by your insurance. We strongly advise that you check the details of your insurance policy to determine the extent of your broken auto glass coverage and the terms of payment. Calculation of the estimate described in paragraph 4 of these terms will be based on your insurance policy. Also, if you plan to have the work paid by your insurance, you will have to provide us with complete and accurate information about your insurance policy.

6. Access to service

You are, and will remain, responsible for the manner and consequences of accessing this website. This access may involve payment of fees to technical service providers, such as internet service providers. These fees are your responsibility. In addition, you are and remain fully responsible for the provision and use of the equipment necessary to connect to this website.

7. Transmission of information

If you transmit information to Speedy Glass® through this website, you are responsible for its content and accuracy. You agree to provide full, accurate, up-to-date information in order to allow Speedy Glass® to provide you with the best service, and you are fully responsible for any consequences related to the provision of erroneous information about you, your insurance, your vehicle or your broken auto glass.

8. Intellectual property and user license for this website

All the features available to you on this website, including but not limited to data, information, texts, documents, animated and still images, presentations, legends, graphics, photographs, videos, logos, distinctive signs, drawings, models, software programs and brands (the “features”), are the exclusive property of Speedy Glass® or its licensors and are protected by the Copyright Act and other Canadian laws, foreign laws and international treaties governing copyright and intellectual property.

All rights related to intellectual or industrial property, brands, domain names and other distinctive signs on this website are the property of Speedy Glass® or their respective owners who have authorized Speedy Glass® to use them, and any unauthorized use or exploitation of them is at your sole risk.

Speedy Glass® and its logotype are registered trademarks of Belron Canada Inc.

You may use this website or the features it contains for strictly personal, non-commercial purposes, on the condition that the rights of Speedy Glass® are respected. The license granted accordingly by Speedy Glass® is non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable. You agree not to undertake any scheme or action infringing on this limited license granted to you by Speedy Glass®.

These terms and conditions of use can in no way be interpreted as conferring any property rights on you or any third party. All rights not expressly granted herein remain the exclusive property of Speedy Glass®.

None of this website’s features may be modified, reproduced, copied, duplicated, sold, resold, published, communicated, distributed, broadcast, represented, stored, used, rented or exploited in any way, in whole or in part, with or without consideration, by you or by a third party, by any means or methods whatsoever, whether known or unknown at present, without explicit prior permission in writing from Speedy Glass®.

9. Unauthorized use of this website and Appointment Service

You may not use this website or the Appointment Service to:

  1. Undertake any type of commercial activity without prior permission in writing from Speedy Glass®.
  2. Modify, pirate, adapt or otherwise change this website or any other website so as to falsely suggest it is associated with this website.
  3. Obscure, mask, alter or otherwise change the intellectual property notices, titles or other information published on this website.
  4. Collect, use, process or store personal data.
  5. Undertake commercial activities or sales such as competitions, exchanges, sweepstakes or advertising without prior permission in writing from Speedy Glass®.
  6. Disrupt or excessively overload the Appointment Service and the website, or the networks, servers or services connected to the service.
  7. Impersonate or try to impersonate a third party.
  8. Fail to uphold any procedure, legal or administrative writ, or regulations that are applicable to the networks connected to this website.
  9. Commit any act that violates laws or bylaws currently in effect.
  10.  Break any applicable laws in any other manner.

10. Hyperlinks on this website

The hyperlinks on this website lead to third-party sites that are not published by Speedy Glass®. They are provided strictly for your convenience, to help you make use of the resources available on the internet. If you use these links, you will leave this website, and you agree to use third-party sites at your own risk and, if applicable, in accordance with their own terms and conditions.

You acknowledge that Speedy Glass® neither controls nor contributes in any way to the development of the content or any other aspect of any or all of these third-party websites.
Consequently, Speedy Glass® cannot be held liable in any way due to these hyperlinks.

Furthermore, you acknowledge that Speedy Glass® cannot represent warrant or take charge of any or all of the content or aspects of any or all of these third-party websites.

11. Hyperlinks to this website

You may not use or insert a hyperlink to this website without the prior written consent of Speedy Glass®, and then only on the condition that the hyperlink leads to this website’s homepage without duplicating the homepage or any other page of this website. You may not:

  1. Insert a hyperlink to this website from a site of which you are not the publisher.
  2. Suppress, change or alter, in any manner whatsoever, the size or appearance of the logos or other distinctive signs of Speedy Glass®.
  3. Create a window, frame or other browser around this website.
  4. Insinuate in any way that Speedy Glass® warrants or guarantees the products or services available on this website.
  5. Mislead a user or third party or create confusion concerning your relationship with Speedy Glass® or present false, misleading, denigrating or untrue information about Speedy Glass®.
  6. Use the trademarks, logos or other distinctive signs of Speedy Glass® without the explicit prior written consent of Speedy Glass®.
  7. Include on your website any items that are defamatory, offensive, insulting or that violate applicable laws concerning printed matter, or items that violate any third party or human rights or that contravene applicable laws or regulations in any way.

Speedy Glass® expressly reserves the right to revoke the permission granted in this section and to take all appropriate measures in the event of a failure to comply with this section’s provisions. You will be held liable for any damages related to or resulting from such noncompliance.

12. Warranty – Liability of Speedy Glass®

Speedy Glass® in no way guarantees that access to this website will be uninterrupted, easy, reliable, correct, full, satisfactory, error-free or fast.

Likewise, Speedy Glass® in no way guarantees the longevity or stability of this website or the Appointment Service. Nor does Speedy Glass® guarantee that the information on this website or the Appointment Service will meet your personal needs or be reliable, uninterrupted or error-free.

Speedy Glass® makes every effort to communicate information, procedures, methods and other data that are reliable, up to date and accurate, and takes all necessary measures to modify or update this information in a timely fashion. However, Speedy Glass® cannot guarantee that all of the information and contents currently on this website are wholly reliable, accurate or up to date. The information on this website has no contractual or official value. Consequently, you acknowledge that you are using this information at your own risk.

Speedy Glass® does not guarantee the security of exchanges through electronic communication and is in no way liable for damages resulting from your use of the network or from threats such as viruses, bugs, malicious code, Trojan horses, logic bombs, worms and other anomalies that may occur on the internet.

Speedy Glass® cannot be held liable for any indirect damages or loss of profits, revenues, business, data, customers, time, damage to goods or equipment, or cost of replacement goods or services that may result from accessing or the inability to access this website in whole or in part, or from the use of or inability to use the information or any other feature of this website.

13. Personal data

To facilitate your navigation on this website, Speedy Glass® uses session cookies. These cookies are cached in your computer memory and keep track of your personal data during the life of a cookie.

This information is erased once the cookie is deleted from the browser, but the cookie has no expiration time. However, Speedy Glass® may use session cookies to obtain anonymous information about your use of the website in order to optimize navigation of the website.

Finally, the collection and processing of your personal information and the recording of your telephone conversations with our customer service representatives will be governed by our Charter of Personal Privacy, available on this website under "Privacy," and which forms an integral part of these terms and conditions of use.

14. Changes to this website and the terms

Speedy Glass® reserves the right to modify at any time and without prior notice the content of this website or the services available on the site, or to temporarily or permanently cease operation of all or part of the website or its services.

Furthermore, Speedy Glass® reserves the right to modify at any time and without prior notice the internet location of this website and its terms and conditions of use.

We therefore advise you to always consult these terms before using this website.

You acknowledge that Speedy Glass® cannot be held responsible in any way to you or to a third party as a result of these modifications, suspensions or cessations.

15. Applicable laws and competent jurisdiction

These terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Quebec.

Any disputes related to or resulting from the validity, execution, interpretation or form of these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of competent jurisdiction of the Province of Quebec, District of Montreal.

16. Contact

For more information or questions concerning these terms, please email us at [email protected].

Updated on December 1, 2017.